Advancing the Business by Filling the Gap

The Challenge:

A privately funded business incubator had a start-up company in their portfolio that needed a strategy to position, brand and market their web-based app targeted at business professionals. However, the founding team lacked that functional expertise and was not in a position to hire a full-time marketing executive until the beta product was launched and an additional round of financing was secured.  So they turned to Skoping for interim management capability.

The Approach:

We started by defining the core value proposition of this new web-app, identifying and sizing the potential customer segments that would benefit from it.  We then conducted rapid market research with the top 4 segments to understand their current methods for handling the function, their perceptions, pain points and the features that mattered most to them.  We then knew who to target first and developed a brand name, positioning and messaging to appeal to that group.  We revamped the website and worked with the product development team to incorporate several of the priority features into the app, as well as the new brand personality.  We then set up the PR and marketing initiatives for the launch of the beta version, including creating on-boarding tutorials and customer engagement marketing programs to drive usage.  We also developed the job description for the full-time marketing position and helped recruit and assess the candidates. 


The Result:

Skoping helped define and focus the brand for this new product and guide it from a rough product concept to a viable beta product.  We gave the web app a unique personality and generated positive articles among several noteworthy tech industry publications.  We accomplished all this on the original schedule and had a highly qualified full-time candidate in place upon the completion of this interim management project.. 


The Bottom Line:

The branding, PR and successful beta launch of the app enabled the start-up to obtain additional funding from investors and to add a skilled full-time marketing executive to their team.


Skoping has done work in many business services sectors including  remote monitoring solutions, localization and translation services, medical device repair and parking structures.

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